Clifton Horse Society
Come and Join the Fun!
Welcome to the Clifton Horse Society! We offer a variety of activities and programming throughout the year, for members and nonmembers. We may have "Clifton" in our name, but we welcome horsey people from all areas of Northern Virginia.
We invite you to join CHS to connect with other local horsepeople and support equestrian activities in Fairfax County. Plus, members are offered discounts on all our events (mounted and unmounted), free participation in guided trail rides, access to our online forum and more.

Celebrate the Season with CHS!
Clifton Mounted Holiday Parade
Saturday, Dec. 7, @ 2:00 p.m.
Register to join the parade through downtown Clifton on Saturday, Dec. 7. Horses, ponies, and donkeys -- mounted, driven, or in-hand -- are all welcome, especially if equines and their humans are decked out in their festive holiday best.​
Advance registration is required -- no day-of participants, please
Negative Coggins and liability waiver required of all participants
Helmets required for riders under 18
Parade steps off at 2:00 p.m. Please plan to arrive at 1:00.
Participation is free for CHS members. Nonmembers are $20.

Coming Up...
CHS Events in the Works
CHS plans a wide variety of activities, mounted and unmounted, over the course of the year. Come join us at (or better yet, volunteer for!) one of the many events we have planned this year:​
Trail rides and trail cleanup days
Build-a-jump clinic
Farrier talks
Working Equitation obstacle play days
Sessions on nutrition, body work, first aid, and more
Clifton Holiday Parade
Holiday social​​
Questions? Contact us for additional info.

CHS at a Glance
The Clifton Horse Society (CHS) was established in 1977 to serve the needs of those interested in horses in Fairfax County and the surrounding communities. Our club membership consists of horse owners and non-horse owners, all of who want to see that horses continue to be a part of the future of this area of Virginia as they have been in the past. Our members participate in many different disciplines, using many different breeds.
Although founded in Clifton, CHS's membership has continued to grow over the years to reach a level of 300+ and includes people throughout Virginia, in other states, and overseas. Our club activities are recreational, social, educational, and service.

Sponsored clinics with equine professionals

Mounted Events throughout the Year

Social events that are fun for the whole family

"No hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle."